Thursday, September 15, 2011

Good bye

There comes a time in ones life when one has to do the unthinkingable. Saying goodbye to someone close to you, someone you loved, even someone you never saw in 10+ years. But just the thought of never speaking to that person again, never seeing them smile, laugh, never touching their hand again. It's scary. And sad. And we all a bit emotional because this person touched our hearts. Be it a parent, a sibling, a friend or an acquintance. Just the thought of never speaking, or calling that person again. Whether you knew sooner or later they cannot keep fighting the disease they have, whether it was an accident that happened so fast, no one knew it was going to end like this. Nothing prepares one for death. NOTHING.

It goes without saying that one should not be afraid of death. it's not death we afraid of. It's how death will be approching us. God knows how, where and when. Don't question Him. Be glad for the good, bad, happy and sad times you had together. And remember that God is calling all His children back home. Where we belong.

Cry, be angry. Get totally quiet when you remember that person is no longer with you. But remember. You will meet with them again. Soon.


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